Do you find yourself following the crowd and losing all personality to your posts?

As a female service provider, I know how noisy it can be online. You know how you can help others, but you just don’t know how to get that across to them.

It can be easy to get caught up with what everyone else is doing online and try to emulate it, but the truth is, you are your best selling point! 

Yep, the way not to get lost in all the noise, is to be yourself! 

Your quirks are what are going to make your audience love you… And you know what? It’s great to repel people too… because they were never going to buy from you anyway.

As an Instagram Marketing Strategist, I can help you to find your voice and use it in your social media posts to attract your dream clients.

You're a female service-based business owner.

You're the face of your brand.

You want to make genuine connections with your audience.

You want to use Instagram to build your business.

You're in the right place!

the packages

1:1 Content Planning Session

You already use Instagram to market your business.

You're great at what you do, but you're not sure how to convey that to potential customers on Instagram &

struggle to create compelling content to attract your ideal clients.

We will have a 60 minute zoom call to plan out your content for the next 3 months!

Figure out how you can be more strategic with your marketing on Instagram

Investment of £150

Monthly Instagram Support

Do you know what you should be doing to market your business on Instagram, but just can't seem to find the time?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of posts you need to create in order to market your business effectively?

Do you feel like you're constantly falling behind on your content, leaving you frustrated and uninspired?

With Monthly Instagram Support, you'll work with me on an individual basis to plan out your content for the month and keep you accountable to posting.

All sessions will take place online and will be recorded so you can watch back afterwards.

Investment from just £150!

Instagram Strategy Building Package

Do you want to a complete strategy to take all the guesswork away from Instagram?

With this package we will:

Get clarity on your target audience so you know exactly who you're trying to attract

Get clarity on your brand voice and how to build your personal brand online

Create your Instagram Strategy for marketing your business online!

Build your Content Strategy for the next 3 months

Investment - £800

Payment options available


Lucy Egan

'I have been following Lucy on Instagram for a while, and love all her tips and reels for growth and success on social media.

I had lost momentum with posting regularly because I was struggling with content ideas, and then the dreaded imposter syndrome set in. This had a huge impact on my business as engagement plummeted. I decided to sign up to Lucy’s social media strategy session, and I am so glad that I did. Lucy gave some brilliant tips throughout the session and made social media bite-size and manageable for me again. 🙌🏼

I cannot recommend Lucy enough!'

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