Lucy Johnstone in Prague, leaning against a wall

Monthly Instagram Support

Are you an introverted female service-based entrepreneur struggling to keep up with your Instagram presence? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of posts you need to create in order to market your business effectively? 

Do you feel like you're constantly falling behind on your content, leaving you frustrated and uninspired?

If this sounds like you, then you're not alone.

Many entrepreneurs struggle with the same challenges when it comes to marketing their business on Instagram, and its even harder when you're an introvert!

The good news is that I have a solution!



Monthly Instagram Support

With Monthly Instagram Support, you'll have the opportunity to work with me on an individual basis to plan out your content and keep you accountable to posting.

We'll work together to create a unique and effective strategy that's tailored specifically to your business and target audience.

But that's not all...I'll also work on building your confidence in creating content that resonates with your ideal client.

I'll guide you through the process of simple, effective content creation and share my own proven strategies for success.

We'll tackle imposter syndrome head-on and help you break through any barriers that are holding you back.

You'll save time and energy, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's take your Instagram marketing to the next level with Monthly Instagram Support.

Together, we'll elevate your brand and attract more clients than ever before!

the options

Monthly Support

Pre-questionnaire for you to fill out to make sure we cover everything you need

One call a month to plan out the content for the coming month

A mid-month check in to hold you accountable for creating the content that we planned out.

Recordings of our calls sent to you after our meeting for you to refer back to.

£150 per month


monthly support

Pre-questionnaire for you to fill out to make sure we cover everything you need

One call bi-weekly to plan out content for the coming two weeks

A weekly check in to hold you accountable for creating the content we had planned out.

Recordings of our calls sent to you after our meeting for you to refer back to.

£250 per month


How often will we meet?

We will meet once a month to plan out the content for the following 4 weeks.

Is there a set schedule we will work on?

I will meet you where you're at - if you're unsure on the content you're creating then we will delve into this, if you've got blocks around showing up on Instagram then this can be our focus, or if you're planning out launching a new service then we will create your content plan for this.

Where do we meet?

We will meet on zoom at a time convenient to both of us.

How long will we work together?

When you sign up there is a minimum commitment of 3 months.

Lucy Johnstone Social® 2023

Lucy Johnstone Social® 2023